HERE ARE PHOTOS of Saint Gerald Church, in the Franklin County town of Gerald, Missouri, which is the westernmost parish church in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis.

The church was locked when I visited, so I did not take interior photos.

According to the City of Gerald website:
The name Gerald was taken from our early settlers named "Fitzgerald". The Fitz was cut off the word leaving Gerald which is a German word meaning “Strong with Spear".
In 1907 Gerald become incorporated as a Village. The County Court in Union, MO appointed the first board of trustees. In February 1947 Gerald became a 4th class city by special vote of the people by a large majority.
Gerald is situated on high rolling ground surrounded by good farming land. It is bordered on the south by the Red Oak and Bourbeuse River and by Boeuff Creek on the north. The Missouri River runs north about 30 miles. The altitude of Gerald is 891 feet. It is located on the Rock Island Railroad in the Western part of Franklin County about 74 miles west of St. Louis and 57 miles east of the state capitol, Jefferson City, on Highway 50 with a population currently of 1,345 and is growing all the time.

124 East Fitzgerald Avenue
Gerald, Missouri