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The Institute of Christ the King will celebrate the 140th anniversary of the foundation of Saint Francis de Sales on Sunday, April 22nd.
A message from the Rector of the Oratory, Fr. Lenhardt:
Friday, April 20, 2007
Dear friends and faithful of St. Francis de Sales Oratory,
You receive this email because you have been in contact with our Oratory. You may have emailed us or have given us your contact information.
As St. Francis de Sales Oratory is not a parish, and does not have boundaries, but serves a much greater community and as many requests for information about the schedule of events reach our offices regularly we think an email newsletter would be a very good way to inform you about the news and the life of the Oratory. We do not intend to contribute to your spam folder, but to send you an email about once or twice a month with essential information about the important events at the oratory and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. If you think this information is not useful for you, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask to be removed from this email list. If you know of others who may be interested in receiving this email, please forward this newsletter to them or send us their contact information.
Our first email newsletter contains the information about the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the foundation of St. Francis de Sales Parish on Sunday April 22nd 2007. We are very honored and most grateful that His Grace, the Most Reverend, Raymond L. Burke, Archbishop of St. Louis, will pontifically preside and preach at the 10am Solemn High Mass. This Mass will be celebrated by the Very Rev. R. Michael Schmitz the Vicar General and Provincial Superior for the Institute in the United States. After Holy Mass there will be an Anniversary coffee hour in the basement and we invite everyone to celebrate with us.
As you know, St. Francis de Sales Oratory faces many challenges particularly the restoration of the church, and the structural problems with the steeple, please help us maintain and restore one of the most beautiful churches in St. Louis. You can help us in many ways, by your contribution, by helping us as a volunteer, by spreading the word about the Oratory, and most importantly, by joining us with your prayers.
Every Tuesday evening we celebrate Holy Mass at the Altar of Our Mother of Perpetual Help followed by the traditional Perpetual Help Devotions, in particular for the restoration of St. Francis de Sales church and for the benefactors of the Oratory. On Easter Sunday we have reestablished the Archconfraternity of Our Mother of Perpetual Help that promotes the veneration of Our Mother of Perpetual Help at St. Francis de Sales Oratory. The membership is free. If you wish to be enrolled in this Archconfraternity, you may present yourself at the altar of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in the North Transept of the Church after all Sunday Masses and before and after the Tuesday evening Mass.
Thanking you for all of your help and generous support I assure you of the pious remembrance of your intentions in our prayers, and at the Altar
Yours devotedly in Christ the King,
Father Karl W. Lenhardt
Vice Provincial/Rector of the Oratory.
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