Most Sacred Heart Church, in Florissant, Missouri.

Old Saint Ferdinand Shrine, also in Florissant.
“If, amidst the impiety which Jesus Christ meets with at the hands of heretics, He at least were honoured and ardently loved by the faithful, we might in some degree console ourselves for the outrages of the one, by the love and sincere homage of the other. But alas ! where are we to look for that crowd of adorers, earnestly bent on honouring Jesus Christ in our Churches ? Are not our Churches deserted ? Can there be greater coldness and indifference than what is shown towards Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament ? The scanty number that are to be seen in our Churches during the greater part of the day, are they not a visible proof of the forgetfulness and want of love of almost all Christians?”
— from Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by Fr. John Croiset, S.J., spiritual director to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.
Does Jesus look angry to you in the first picture?