Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?
— Canticle of Canticles 6:9
This is a new statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, under her title Our Lady of America, patroness of the United States, temporarily on display at the Basilica of Saint Louis, King of France, in downtown Saint Louis, Missouri. The statue will travel next to Manhattan, and will be on display at the Church of Saint Peter and at Saint Patrick Cathedral on September 11th. This statue was first publicly unveiled at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting in November, 2006, where it was blessed by Archbishop Burke.
"It is the United States that is to lead the world to peace, the peace of Christ, the peace that He brought with Him from heaven"
Thanks for posting the beautiful pix of the "Old Cathedral". The pictures of Our Lady of America are breathtaking!I just visited the other "Rome" in the U.S....Rome City, Indiana where Sr. Neuzil at a convent there, received the first apparition and many other messages, apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary as "Our Lady of America". During these messages, Our Lady told Sr. Mildred that if America turned back to purity, we would lead the world to peace. She made many predictions that have occurred,including the scandal within the priesthood. She asked that Sister and all lay people would spread her devotion as Our Lady of America, and have a statue of her likeness as Our Lady of America enthroned after a solemn procession, by all the bishops, in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington, D.C. These apparitions and locutions were approved by the Bishop (Leibold) in 1963. Thanks be to God for Bishop Leibold, and also to Archbishop Burke who has been instrumental in bringing this information to the USCCB in 2006, and writing an opinion letter, 5/31/07 stating that there is no reason this devotion should not be canonically approved. He has been instrumental in working to fulfill Her request to be enthroned in Washington, D.C. The statue will head to New York City and will be on display there starting Sept. 10th, in commemoration of 9/11/2001.
ReplyDeleteHopefully it will then go to D.C. for permanent enthronement. Our Lady promised if this happened, there would be more miracles than at Lourdes, France. Already in Rome City, the convent has been restored and many pilgrims from the region as well as the country have gone there for the Friday night Rosary, Mass, Benediction and Adoration. There is also a Holy Hill,with a beautiful statue of the Holy Family. There have been healing miracles during and after the Mass and also on the Holy Hill, and the springs of the Good Friday well which just this year began to gush miraculous waters! There have also been many people that have witnessed the Miracle of the Sun. Spritual healings and conversions are rampant there! When my husband and I went there, we felt so much peace...never that kind of PEACE anywhere else! I have had health problems that affect my mobility, and since being there, my mobility is much improved and noticeable to my friends, family and acquaintances. And best of all my son started going to Mass again...praise God! Please pray for Our Lady's requests to be granted, tell your bishops and priests and every one you know! Pass this info on and for more info ,pictures of miraculous photos and accounts of cures go to oltiv.org For devotionals go to OurLadyofAmerica.com.
Peace and Purity to all! pj
I have been to Rome City, In as well and my life has been forever changed as a result of my visit. It is hard to explain, but you just have to feel it for yourself. I think I could actually feel the pain of sin Our Lady feels. My first feeling of this came during the Divine Mercy Chaplet while I was in the main chapel where the OLOA apparitions took place.
ReplyDeleteI have never been to Lourdes or Fatima but I think I have felt the same thing in Rome City that others feel abroad. We are Soooo fortunate to have this Holy Ground on our own soil.
We visited the Mother of Mercy Chapel in 10/24/2012. While we were in the chapel my sister was praying in front to the image of Our Lady of America, suddenly she felt the presence of a Divine power, which gave her a deep sense of peace. We decide to take pictures of the chapel. A few months later, while looking at the pictures taken, we were astonished when we saw the image of Our Lady suspended in the air. She was so transparent that we could see the walls and windows of the chapel through her. She looked exactly as our Lady of America.