Here are some special events in November at Saint Francis de Sales Oratory, in Saint Louis, Missouri, local home of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, which is one of the three locations in the area that offers the Indult Latin Mass.

Vigil of All Saints: 7 pm, Solemn Rosary with Benediction.

All Saints Day: Masses at 8 am and 12:10 pm; Solemn High Mass at 7 pm. Holy Day of Obligation.

All Souls Day: Masses at 8 am and 12:10 pm; Solemn Requiem Mass at 7 pm. Plenary indulgence for the departed under the usual conditions.

November 3rd: First Friday Solemn High Mass and Benediction at 7 pm.

November 19th: Benevolent Society breakfast after 8 am Mass.

Thanksgiving Day: Proceeds from Mass to benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

November 26th: Feast of the Dedication of the Oratory; Solemn High Mass 10 am.

November 29th: Novena to the Immaculate Conception begins; daily Mass at 7 pm with sermon at the Altar of our Lady.
