Behold a great priest who in his days pleased God, and was found just. (Ecclesiasticus 44:16, 20)On June 15th, 2007, two members of the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest were ordained to the holy priesthood.
Rite of Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood
Abbé William Avis
Abbé Matthew Talarico
celebrated in the Classical Roman Rite
by His Grace
The Most Reverend Raymond Leo Burke
Archbishop of Saint Louis
on the Feast of the Sacred Heart
at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis
15 June 2007
Abbé William Avis
Abbé Matthew Talarico
celebrated in the Classical Roman Rite
by His Grace
The Most Reverend Raymond Leo Burke
Archbishop of Saint Louis
on the Feast of the Sacred Heart
at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis
15 June 2007

Members of the Institute in their new choir vestments.

The entrance procession was accompanied by Haydn's dramatic Missa in Tempore Belli (Mass in Time of War). The procession went to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, and then to All Saints Chapel, where Archbishop Burke vested for Mass.
Note the wide variety of vestments in these photos, which are symbolic of rank, function, and affiliation, among other things.

A procession of seminarians offer the Archbishop articles of vestment. There were several more to the right, not shown in the photo.

The two transitional deacons carry their priestly vestments before their ordination.

Chanting of the Introit.

Incensing the altar.

Archbishop Burke sitting on the Cathedral's cathedra, or bishop's chair.

The Rite of Ordination was interpolated within the Mass of the Sacred Heart, between the Gradual and Alleluia.
The Rite begins with a series of warnings and instructions.
...Dearly beloved brethren, the captain of a ship as well as the passengers are in the same condition as to safety or danger. Their cause is common, therefore they ought to be of the same mind. Indeed, not without reason did the Fathers ordain that in the election of those who were to be employed in the service of the altar the people also should be consulted. For it happens here and there that, as to the life and conduct of a candidate, a few know what is unknown to the majority. Necessarily, also, people will render obedience more readily to the ordained if they have consented to his ordination...

Future priests.

As a sign of humility, the candidates prostrate themselves towards the altar during the Litany of Saints.

Bishops in attendance.

The Bestowal of the Office (Imposition of Hands)

Investiture with the Priestly Vestments.
"Receive the yoke of the Lord; for His yoke is sweet and His burden light."

(I was unable to attend the entire Mass.)
Mark, excellent photos as usual! Sorry you couldn't attend the whole Mass.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that any part of it was in English, though. I didn't hear it, although the program's wording was such that it was a little vague in parts as to whether it was a translation only or not. Did you hear it-- my seat wasn't terribly close.
Thanks! I like Wolftracker's photos better, though.
ReplyDeleteI had leave Mass to go to a birthday party. Happy birthday to me.
I am pretty sure that some of the parts were in English, starting around The Call. Or, perhaps I was granted an extraordinary Gift of the Holy Ghost to understand Latin.
Great photos as always. I was taking some photos but some of them are blury; with the lighting, it's hard to get perfect photos in the Cathedral.
ReplyDeleteTo clarify, the ordination was all administered in Latin. The homily, which in this case preceded the gospel, was the only English part. It could easily be mistaken for part of the ordination because it was scripted and printed in the handout.
Awesome Pictures
ReplyDeleteIt was a most beautiful occasion
Augustine, thanks for clarifying! I was most confused.
ReplyDelete4 hours long--probably one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever attended.
ReplyDeleteMark, anything on the new Duncan Stroik Sacred Heart Shrine at the Cathedral which was to be public for the first time Saturday?
ReplyDeleteI attended the Shrine consecration, but haven't posted anything yet...I've been busy!
ReplyDeleteNow I have posted:
ReplyDeleteGreat photos. I really think increased devotion to Our Lord's Sacred Heart, as well as Our Blessed Lady's Immaculate Heart, is the key to Catholic Restoration, as well as societal makeover. It it no coincidence that the counter-revolutionaries in the Vendee and Carlist militias in the Spanish Civil War went into battle with the forces of secular modernist evil with badges of the Sacred Heart on their person.
ReplyDeleteI attende a Latin mass and felt totally uninvolved. I like to participate in mass. I felt like an outsider. It was strange and unfamiliar, and I felt very unwelcomed. Any comments?
ReplyDeleteI wrote a response last week to a similar question:
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you felt unwelcome. My particular Latin Mass parish was quite friendly to me.